About Us

Made in America

Made in America!

Doing our part to keep jobs right here at home, Lucky Duck Books are printed and bound in the USA!

Keeping it Green

Keeping it Green!

Every duck knows; it's important to care for our environment. So, Lucky Duck Publishing uses sustainable printing practices, including: soy based inks, aqueous coatings and Forest Stewardship Council FSC certified paper.
Great Ducks

Great Ducks!

We are proud to bind our quality books at Muscle Bound Bindery, a company that has implemented sustainable practices throughout their organization. They even recycle 2 million pounds of waste paper each year! We think that's just ducky!

mission statement

Who We Are

Elaine Harrison

Elaine Harrison

Elaine Harrison is a freelance writer and marketing and media relations strategist in Chicago, Illinois and the founder of Lucky Duck Publishing, LTD. While Elaine has written extensively for grownups, she thinks writing for children is much more fun!

Elaine grew up in Arizona and loves the great outdoors! As an advocate for environmental education, Elaine was project developer, fundraiser and media relations consultant for Student Environmental Education and Development Studies, SEEDS, an environmental curriculum designed by the Chicago Botanic Garden for Chicago area elementary schools.

Elaine began writing poetry as a young girl, and still finds that her stories most often come forth in rhyme. Always an avid reader, one of her favorite childhood reading memories was at age nine, when she became enchanted by Zilpha Keatley Syder's The Velvet Room. To brighten up any day, Elaine recommends the endearing Dr. Seuss tale, Horton Hatches the Egg.

V Shane

V Shane

V Shane has enjoyed a 25 year career as a traditional artist and digital illustrator. As a young artist, Shane's pencil and line drawings were influenced by Bernie Wrightson, Barry Windsor-Smith, Michael Kaluta and Jeffrey Jones, artists of the seminal 70's scene known as "The Studio" in New York City.

Shane highly regards the work of Charles Schultz and the animation of Bugs Bunny and other Warner Brothers cartoon characters. In his teenage years, Shane discovered Bill Waterston, and continues to be inspired by the beloved Calvin and Hobbes creator.

Shane was the illustrator for the fantasy comic strip: Wizards Without Coats and is the author/ illustrator of Fantastic Realms!: Draw Fantasy Characters, Creatures and Settings. Shane is an aspiring guitarist and loves riding his mountain bike. He lives in Northern Illinois with his daughter.